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Beatification of Albino Luciani: Pope Giovanni Paolo I°

There was great emotion during the beatification ceremony of Albino Luciani, Pope Giovanni Paolo I° for only 34 days, who traced a deep furrow of humility and charity in the Church.
Secretary General Prof. Michele Capasso, present at the ceremony, expressed the sympathy of all the members of the "United States of the World" towards a personality who laid the foundations for a Church founded on solidarity and fraternity.
Much appreciated was the "private" presence of President Mattarella, who wished to honour not only the Pope but a great Italian, both cultured and humble at the same time: the last Italian Pope.
A great lesson in humility from a man who was always smiling, cultured and humble as only the great know how to be.
On 26 August each year, he will be celebrated by the Catholic Church.