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The Mission of the United States of the World is divided into 20 main areas. The goal is to support a change in the world's development paradigm through a different geopolitics that must place the Common Good at the center by implementing unprecedented strategies of growth, competitiveness and cooperation based on ethics, social justice and the equitable distribution of goods and resources.


peace is action

peace is action

Peace is Action and common responsibility: the "United States of the World" concretely work through the mobilization of all, showing the human face of brotherhood ...

safeguarding creation

safeguarding creation

All peoples must guarantee the safeguarding and custody of our Common Home: the "United States of the World" works to affirm a shared feeling of respect and belonging to creation ...

democracy and equality

democracy and equality

Democracy and equality are the fundamental pillars for civil coexistence: the "United States of the World" promotes mutual respect and the sharing of different identities, cultures and civilizations ...

poverty and new needs

poverty and new needs

Human brotherhood is indispensable to counteract new and old poverty: the "United States of the World" works to satisfy both basic needs for survival but above all affective and relational needs ...

interreligious dialogue

interreligious dialogue

Dialogue between religions is the basis of coexistence between peoples and cultures: the "United States of the World" considers cultural and religious diversity a resource for the affirmation of shared values ​​...

justice and legality

justice and legality

The "United States of the World" works to ensure that justice legally protects fundamental rights: life, dignity, democracy, equality, freedom, security, freedom of thought and opinion, health ...

human rights and volunteering

human rights and volunteering

The "United States of the World" is committed to ensuring the standards established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: to this end, the role of volunteering is fundamental ...

migrants and refugees

migrants and refugees

The "United States of the World" considers migrants, refugees, the persecuted and victims of terrorism, mafias, trafficking and violence as a resource and asks individual states to welcome them with fraternity ...

welcome and integration

welcome and integration

The "United States of the World" is committed to welcoming migrants, refugees, the persecuted, victims of terrorism and violence ...

health and wellness

health and wellness

The right to health is primary regardless of age, gender and socio-economic status: the United States of the World is committed to combining physical and mental wellbeing with social wellbeing ...

food, water - sustainability

food, water - sustainability

The United States of the World is committed to ensuring that water and food are at the centre of sustainable development because they are essential for socio-economic development and the survival of all mankind ...

ecological conversion

ecological conversion

Ecological conversion is the obligatory path to the salvation of planet earth: the United States of the World supports this process by opposing reversible transformations with no durability ...



The "United States of the World" has been working for an effective dialogue between civilisations and the global promotion of different cultures since 1990 ...

art and creativity

art and creativity

The "United States of the World" promotes the arts and creativity, which with their language constitute the true antidote against the standardisation fuelled by globalisation ...

cultural heritage

cultural heritage

Humanity must protect the inestimable wealth of the cultural heritage it has inherited: the SUM has been working since 1990 in various countries to ensure that it is protected, restored and preserved in order to pass it on to young people ...

civilizing the urban

civilizing the urban

The "United States of the World" - with the Foundation "Civilising the Urban" and other members of the SUM Network - support the common action to regenerate "living environments" to ensure spirituality, well-being, sociality, harmony, and ecological conversion…



Protecting childhood and educating for peace is a fundamental action for the "United States of the World": those responsible for education and training are involved in this vital mission …



Women are more than half the potential of the world's population: the "United States of the World" supports gender equality essential for peaceful societies and the development of humanity …

young people

young people

The "United States of the World" works to ensure that young people are the custodians of our memory and the producers of our future …



The elderly are increasing exponentially and are the custodians of our roots and an example for the young …