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In 1987 Gustavo Adolfo Rol proposed the "United States of the World" and made an appeal to young people ...

The intuition of the "United States of the World" came from Gustavo Adolfo Rol.
As early as 1980, he alerted the world to the need to unite peoples and states to fight the enemies we ourselves produce: wars, social injustice, famine, pandemics, climate change, destruction of creation and dissipation of resources.
On 11 January 1987, he launched a heartfelt appeal to young people all over the world during a speech on the programme "Domenica in" hosted by Raffaella Carrà, in the presence of their mutual friend Franco Zeffirelli.
Gustavo Rol was an enlightened man who was deeply religious, but respectful of all faiths. Saddened by the spread of indifference and materialism, i.e. by the lack of spiritual awareness, he motivated his actions, always at the service of others, as follows: "The important thing is that man realises that the Wonderful exists and that he wants to access it. It is the only way to enrich our spirit and raise it to higher expressions".
To Dino Buzzati, an admiring eyewitness to his prodigies, who asked him why he performed such experiments, he replied: "I do them precisely to confirm the presence of God".
