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Students and teachers from the Vittorio Veneto Institute in Naples, the Rue de La République Institute in Gabès (Tunisia) the IES Atenea in Ciudad Real (Spain) visiting the United States of the World Headquarters

Welcomed by the Secretary General of the "United States of the World", Prof. Michele Capasso, students and teachers from the Vittorio Veneto Institute in Naples, the Rue de La République Institute in Gabès (Tunisia) the IES Atenea in Ciudad Real (Spain) visited the headquarters of the "United States of the World" and its various floors.
After retracing the history of the institution, starting with Gustavo Rol's 1987 appeal to young people, the Secretary General dwelt in detail on the value of the "Constitution" and, in particular, on the articles devoted to welcoming migrants, ecological conversion and the future of young people.
On this occasion, students and teachers from the 3 countries were named "Bishops of the United States of the World".

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